And i find myself scolding at the horrible chill in the air.
I have 4 days off work to get a tan and the sun fails to show.
We will be home this Christmas,
Because i don't want to be too far away in my condition.
My belly is getting bigger by the week, and baby tends to do acrobatic flips every time i have anything sweet.
So even now i can't indulge in chocolate during the season of abundance.
WE had our scan 3 weeks ago and we were astounded at how much baby has grown, he/she is definitely here to stay.
I said a silent prayer because there is nothing wrong with baby so far, he/she has two hands, 10 fingers, 10 toes, a complete body and and a beautifully beating heart.
So thank God for this blessing in our lives.
Onto more menial things, i had to buy a cheaper version of my work uniform because my $89.00 skirt no longer fits around my stomach and my boobs are popping out of my shirt.Pro
Bebe is due on 24 April...closer to 25th actually....but we'll see how that works out.
I informed my manager that i will leave work on the 13th April to start m.leave.
I really really what to get my job back at the Base, becuase i love working there, the people are awesome and for once i can confidenly say that we are a real team!
So i pray hope that i can get my job back after i have baby.
okay, better get back to work,
Merry Christmas to everyone in the world and My the New Year bring JOy and Prosperity.
Manuia le Kerisimasi ma le Tausaga Fou