Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy White Sunday...

Today is White Sunday in Samoa.
It is a special day for all the children.
On White Sunday, all the children get brand new clothes and the get to sing songs for their parents and eat lots of food.
I didn't get to take Maeva to church but I did get her to wear her white dress and eat lots of food!! Happy White Sunday Maeva.

This is my pretty dress from Nani!!

Merci Clara pour les chaussure!!

My photographic story about the last 3 weeks

My name is Maeva Moelagi Becerra.
I am now 18 months older.
I can run fast and climb up the slide at the playground.
When my mommy puts me in baby chair for my meal, I can say "amene!!".
My favourite foods at the moment are cheesy ravioli, chicken, fries, kiwifruit and tomato.
My parents only give me 2 bottles of milk a day now, and thats fine with me because i'm a big girl now. I think.
I like singing "head, shoulders knees and toes" but I can't pronounce the words properly so I just like doing the actions while someone else sings for me.
Last week, I had a runny nose and a bad cough but I am much better now because I have been taking my medicine, Pamol everyday. I like the strawberry taste!
Enjoy my photos of the last 3 weeks of my life
I'm a star!!!!

Lets go shopping maman!!!

look at me, look at me

Set me freeeeee

Shes got the whole world, In her hands!

Mommy, this one has 1, 2, 3 legs!!!

I got snot in my nose...

Mummy, I'm a baby......