Sunday, October 07, 2007

Viva la France

It's official, everyone hates us today because we are habouring a french man, and a half french baby supporter.
All Blacks repeated history yet again and showed again how crap they are under pressure. Simply a bunch of over paid, over praised and over "conditioned" bunch of f@**@ts.
Frankly, I don't give a damn, but because I live in the heart of rugby mania, I thought i should say to the French team "Good on you, you shafted the ABs when it counted, well done!"
If those ABs know whats good for them, then they will not show their faces on NZ soil again. Graham Henry should move to Iceland.
It's a warm sunny Sunday morning and there's not a soul on the street.

For the last four years, NZ have been predicting and expecting that they will win the World Cup. So much so that they got a little cocky about it.

Shame on the All Blacks.(although, that try did come out of a forward pass)

We watched the rugby at Dwayne's house with about 15 diehard AB supperters, Gui was wearing his Marseille shirt from Thierry and his cap from Jackie.

well done!!!


Anonymous said...

Allez les bleus ! Un sacré match... Nous l'avons regardé avec notre petite Elsa, qui est née le 23 septembre : 3.5 kg, 49.5cm. Certainement aussi belle que Maeva !
Bises, Arnaud et Anais

Anonymous said...

Désolée, les Black, mais les chéris de Guillaume vous ont mis dedans !!! ça a dûr être dur, Gui, d'être supporter hier !!! mais je dois bien te dire que je n'y croyais pas du tout! Allez, Guillaume, allez les bleus, allez les petits! Nane

NANI said...

I hope that now ,all N.Z people and All Blacks fans will support the French Team to defeat and win the English team !!!
Many kisses and kind regards for all my N.Z friends who received me in July!
ALLEZ LES BLEUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!