Sunday, October 21, 2012

New home, new couch, same crazy ol Becerras

Its currently Labour weekend, and its raining so hard that we are not really accomplishing much.
Since I last updated, we have since bought the house at Earl Rd and looking forward to moving in.
We are very much looking forward to having our own home again, and having a garden and lots of outside space....not that this place is bad anyway, but will be ours!

Over the last few months we have been a very busy household...visitors and work and changes in schools and daycares for the 2 littlies.
Maeva left Uptown daycre in the city and started at Green Bay primary when she turned 5.
SIx weeks ago, I moved Tuifiti from there to a daycare in NLynn, close to the myatts and easy for me to drop off and pick up after/b4 wk.

In July, I had to be in the Cook Islands for work and coincided with Maevas holidays, so I took the familia along,...MM got chicken pox during the trip but was great, she was very lucky, no marks and very fiaaulelei and kept applying the cream because she didnt want to have spots. oh my beloved diva!
Tuifiti on the other hand decided to get it when we returned home, and costed me a few days off work,...he was a trooper as well...even less spots than MM.

Aside from that, we are looking forward to Aunty Relle's baby in January....cant wait to spoil him/her. Maeva is determined its a girl...magaia le force five.

Mom came through here on her way to India and the Oman to be with Omega and Aute. Still going strong and mom has lost weight which is good.

Aunty Evo is not well at the moment, she was working herself to an early grave and had to take time off work indefinitely. I took her to her specialist appointment last Wenesday, on my birthday. So here's hoping all turns out well after her tests this week.

Nani Jacqui spent a month with us in September - which was perfect as i had to be in the Solomon Islands for 9 days for work. She bonded greatly with the kids, especially Tui since they spent a whole lot of time together. So glad that she was able to come and spend time with us....she left last week and we are readjusting to reality without Tuis bestie at home.

Now - about the move...once again, packing, boxing, cleaning, ..all the while, Tui following me and unpacking and climbing in boxes...oh joy.

Okay, thats the update for now, 

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